The Eganville Farmers Market, 16 Mar 2025 11:53:45 +0000en-us<![CDATA[Members]]>, 16 Mar 2025 11:53:45 +0000<![CDATA[Application]]>, 16 Mar 2025 11:46:21 +0000At this location at Legion Field, the Market is able to accept more vendors without a concern for space. Take a look at the applications to see if this is a good fit for you.

Full-time Vendors

The Vendor Application can be e-mailed to address below for review or can be mailed with a cheque for the amount of the fee, plus hydro cost if applicable, to:

Eganville Farmers' Market, P.O. Box 296 Cobden, Ontario K0J 1K0

The Market Committee will review the application and notify the applicant of the result. (The fee is returned if application is not approved.)

Email enquiries to: or call 705 492 8795

Part-time Vendors

There is also space for part-time vendors at this location. The application for part-time must be completed, submitted and approved before a vendor is able to sell products. Once approved, they are expected to advise the designated contact each time they plan to attend and will pay the daily fee of $20 upon arrival. One week's notice is required.

Please join us. Part-time vendors add interest and variety to EFM.

Junior Vendors’ Day

The Market is hosting a Junior Vendors’ Day on Friday, August 1.during the regular market hours from 3:00 until 5:00 pm.  Anyone 18 years of age and under is invited to join the EFM regular vendors that day to sell his/her own homemade or homegrown items but must be pre-approved. This is a great chance for young entrepreneurs to gain some experience.

  • no fee for Junior Vendors so all proceeds are theirs to keep
  • tables and weather shelter not provided
  • pre-registration required by July 28; confirmation will be provided

The Junior Vendors Application will be posted here in late spring (and should be sent to the address above.)

<![CDATA[Gallery]]>, 25 Feb 2025 7:11:51 +0000<![CDATA[Home]]>, 22 Feb 2025 12:46:25 +0000We will be back at Legion Field for the 2025 season

- June 6th until Thanksgiving!

Join us for fresh food and a good time.

Upcoming Events 


Eganville Farmers' Market is proud to offer fresh, locally produced products and you'll have the choice of selecting organic or not - just ask our vendors. They are happy to explain how things are done on their property. That's the added benefit to a farmers' market - you can meet the actual vendor, ask questions and make sure of what you are eating. This is important if you are concerned about healthy food.

Market Location & Hours

Located at Legion Memorial Field in Eganville across from St. James Catholic Church (on the same grounds as the Eganville Curling Club, ball diamonds, soccer field, spash pad and tennis court).

NEW Hours  2-5 pm on Friday afternoons.

More information will be provided as the season progresses.  Check out our facebook page for updated information. Eganville Farmers Market

Hours: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. every Friday from June 6th to Thanksgiving.

Products for Sale

Products regularly offered for sale include:

  • Fresh produce - more appears as the season goes on
  • Herbs and garlic
  • Jams & jellies; pickles & relishes; sometimes salsa
  • Maple syrup
  • Seasonal Flowers
  • Honey
  • Baking - bread, pies, tarts, dessert breads, cookies, bagels, gluten-free products
  • All natural skin care products with a wide range of soaps
  • Arts & crafts
  • Prepared, ready-to-eat food
  • Additional seasonal products will appear as they are available throughout the season! (e.g. berries, apples)

2025 Theme Days

June 6 - Opening Weekend

Join all of our brand new vendors for our first market of 2025!


June 27- Celebrate Canada Day Weekend 

We will be serving cake with fresh stawberries and cream by donation to kick off celebrating our Nation's birthday a little early! 


July 25 - Christmas in July

Get your shopping done early at this holiday themed event. We'll be decking-the-booths with festive cheer five months early! Get your gift shopping done extra early and find your new favorite decoration on the sale & swap table.


August 15th - 4H showcase

We'll be hosting a 4H showcase of animals raised by the areas junior farmers.


October 10 - Thanksgiving Finale

Come say goodbye! Our Season will come to an end for another successful year!

<![CDATA[Downloadable Forms]]>, 13 Feb 2025 9:59:32 +0000<![CDATA[Contact Us]]>, 22 May 2024 9:48:35 +0000Eganville Farmers' Market Contacts:

Questions? Please reach out to us by email and we will get back to you.


For the most up to date events and vendor information follow up on Facebook and Instagram!

 Market Location

<![CDATA[Supporters]]>, 12 Sep 2019 7:47:34 +0000The Farmers’ Market Committee is grateful to the following individuals, businesses and organizations for their ongoing support.

Township of Bonnechere ValleyThe Eganville Leader

Eganville Rotary Club

Blue North Studios


Several other organizations, businesses and individuals have provided support to this market since it began. This helped the market get established and has ensured the costs to vendors are kept as low as possible. We are grateful to everyone for their help.

<![CDATA[Our Vendors and their Products]]>, 06 Apr 2017 5:27:04 +0000Our friendly vendors are proud of their products and will enjoy talking to you about all of the items they offer for sale. They come from areas within the Ottawa Valley, including Douglas, Renfrew, Cobden, Matawatchan, Palmer Rapids and of course Eganville and surrounding areas.

A complete list of vendors and the products they sell can be found under the Vendors tab. That will be updated as applications are received and approved for this season.

Most items for sale at the market are grown, produced or made by the vendor. An exception may be made to allow an item to be re-sold under certain conditions. Generally, this occurs for an item that is not locally available at the time and for items which may enhance the market experience for customers. Such items must be pre-approved by the Market Committee.

Products regularly offered for sale include:

  • meat
  • fresh produce
  • herbs & garlic
  • jams & jellies
  • pickles & relishes
  • honey
  • maple syrup
  • a variety of homebaking, including bread
  • flowers
  • arts and crafts
  • natural body care products including a wide range of soaps
  • other items appear as they become available (e.g. berries)

<![CDATA[Our History]]>, 17 Feb 2017 9:47:04 +0000Many people have wanted a farmer's market in Eganville for a long time. The location seemed right - a busy community within Renfrew County that swells in size in the summer with the arrival of cottagers and campers visiting the four major lakes nearby. The village is situated on a major highway that sees traffic to Algonquin Park and other tourist areas. It was believed that this extra traffic would help to sustain a market and bring extra tourist dollars to the area.

In 2011 the time was right and an eager group of interested people started the necessary work to make it a reality.  The group worked towards establishing a traditional Saturday morning market but soon realized that vendors were already committed to other markets. It was decided that Friday was a reasonable option and should still appeal to weekend visitors passing through. Work was fast and furious and resulted in a successful one-day trial market held on September 30, 2011. It gave vendors an opportunity to assess the facilities and the local interest, and most importantly, determine if they were interested in participating in a Friday market.

Both vendors and customers gave the market two thumbs up!

In 2012, the market enjoyed its first full season of operation.

With permission from Bonnechere Valley Township Council, the market was established at Legion Field.

The official opening was on June 29, 2012 and was attended by several dignitaries who jointly cut the ribbon after their congratulatory speeches. For the 2012 season, the market operated as the Eganville 100 Mile Farmers’ Market but for simplicity, “100 Mile” was dropped from the name at the end of that season.

During the first year, the hours were from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. during July and August and then reduced to 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. during September and October (due to shorter daylight hours and cooler temperatures late in the day).  The varying hours were found to be complicated and customers also seemed to prefer an earlier start.

The following year the market operated from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Fridays during the entire season. New vendors were added and a successful season concluded with the "Giant Pumpkin " drop at the Eganville Foodland.

For 2014 and 2015, the market moved to a location with higher visibility - the Grace Lutheran Church parking lot, 14 Bonnechere St West, Eganville (next to the Fire Station).

It returned to Legion Field in 2016 which will be its permanent location for the future. This offers ample parking, public washrooms, picnic tables, and plenty of room for expansion.

<![CDATA[Home]]>, 17 Feb 2017 8:30:46 +0000<![CDATA[Other]]>, 03 May 2016 6:12:15 +0000<![CDATA[Our Market Committee]]>, 16 Apr 2016 1:09:37 +0000The market is organized and run entirely by vendors and volunteers. Although the market was organized initially by individuals who simply wanted a market and believed the time had come, it was soon realized that input from vendors was crucial so the current format was adopted.

These vendors work hard to bring fresh, local food to the community and to provide an opportunity for local farmers, growers, and artisans to sell their products. The market has been welcomed by local residents as well as summer visitors and tourists.

<![CDATA[Honey and Maple Syrup]]>, 24 Feb 2015 2:30:34 +0000<![CDATA[Vendors]]>, 26 Feb 2014 7:29:19 +0000<![CDATA[About Us]]>, 26 Feb 2014 7:29:02 +0000<![CDATA[All Vendors]]>, 14 Oct 2013 11:45:54 +0000<![CDATA[Arts and Crafts]]>, 18 Jun 2013 7:11:21 +0000<![CDATA[Ready to Eat]]>, 07 Mar 2013 8:12:29 +0000<![CDATA[Meat]]>, 05 Mar 2013 7:10:36 +0000<![CDATA[Baked Goods]]>, 02 Mar 2013 8:10:28 +0000<![CDATA[Plants and Herbs]]>, 02 Mar 2013 7:55:35 +0000<![CDATA[Preserves]]>, 01 Mar 2013 10:13:41 +0000<![CDATA[Produce]]>, 01 Mar 2013 9:55:42 +0000<![CDATA[Join]]>, 28 Feb 2013 6:58:48 +0000