At this location at Legion Field, the Market is able to accept more vendors without a concern for space. Take a look at the applications to see if this is a good fit for you.
Full-time Vendors
The Vendor Application can be e-mailed to address below for review or can be mailed with a cheque for the amount of the fee, plus hydro cost if applicable, to:
Eganville Farmers' Market, P.O. Box 296 Cobden, Ontario K0J 1K0
The Market Committee will review the application and notify the applicant of the result. (The fee is returned if application is not approved.)
Email enquiries to: eganvillefarmersmarket1@gmail.com or call 705 492 8795
Part-time Vendors
There is also space for part-time vendors at this location. The application for part-time must be completed, submitted and approved before a vendor is able to sell products. Once approved, they are expected to advise the designated contact each time they plan to attend and will pay the daily fee of $20 upon arrival. One week's notice is required.
Please join us. Part-time vendors add interest and variety to EFM.
Junior Vendors’ Day
The Market is hosting a Junior Vendors’ Day on Friday, August 1.during the regular market hours from 3:00 until 5:00 pm. Anyone 18 years of age and under is invited to join the EFM regular vendors that day to sell his/her own homemade or homegrown items but must be pre-approved. This is a great chance for young entrepreneurs to gain some experience.
- no fee for Junior Vendors so all proceeds are theirs to keep
- tables and weather shelter not provided
- pre-registration required by July 28; confirmation will be provided
The Junior Vendors Application will be posted here in late spring (and should be sent to the address above.)